Abstract: Background A hallmark of chronic liver disease is the impairment of the liver’s innate regenerative ability. In this work we use a computational approach to unravel the principles underlying control of liver repair following an acute physiological challenge. Methods…
Abstract: Following partial hepatectomy, a coordinated series of molecular events occurs to regulate hepatocyte entry into the cell cycle to recover lost mass. In rats during the first 6 h following resection, hepatocytes are primed by a tightly controlled cytokine…
Background The exchange of metabolites and the reprogramming of metabolism in response to shifting microenvironmental conditions can drive subpopulations of cells within colonies toward divergent behaviors. Understanding the interactions of these subpopulations—their potential for competition as well as cooperation—requires both…
Abstract: Simulation of in vivo cellular processes with the reaction–diffusion master equation (RDME) is a computationally expensive task. Our previous software enabled simulation of inhomogeneous biochemical systems for small bacteria over long time scales using the MPD-RDME method on a…
Abstract: Conditions and parameters affecting the range of bistability of the lac genetic switch in Escherichia coli are examined for a model which includes DNA looping interactions with the lac repressor and a lactose analogue. This stochastic gene-mRNA-protein model of…